Man and machine at one, what other sport has such a combination?Formula One drivers are in
the superstar bracket and likewise earn superstar fees; we are talking in the millions here.
His latest subject of interest is in Central Heating Boilers. Some would say no individual
deserves such massive amounts of money, "just for doing a job." What I would say
to that is that if the fans, the media and of course large sponsors are
willing to pay for this, or any sport, then they're well deserving. They are also
obliged to attend sponsors promotional events and work closely with their team. As in every
tn requin sport it's the participants, the sportsmen, the fans come to see. This brings in even
more wealth, as companies strike up deals with them, to get them to promote their
product. It is in their vested interest to be involved in the ongoing development of
their car as they are the ones in the driving seat, so to speak. Let's
face it, Formula One drivers, without doubt are the focus of attention when it comes
to the sport of formula one. These guys take massive risks in the pursuit of
their sport and our entertainment. Controlling a car travelling round a corner at over 100
air max france mph is no mean feat, and with others trying to overtake you!There is intense pressure
heaped on Formula one drivers, but for those who are able to cope, the rewards
are immense. Which one of us would say no, to being paid millions per year
for doing our job, and a job we love!These drivers nowadays have to work with
the media and be available for interviews, sometimes even after a dramatic mishap during a
race. You can sometimes see this manifest itself on the track, with some rare individual
mistakes.Riley Stokes has been writing online about many varied subjects, for a number of years
now. Yes, the cars are fast and technically the finest tuned machines ever built, with
millions spent on their development, but it's the driver's skills, which intrigues us. Not only
monetarily as mentioned before but also the prestige of being in front of the cameras
and on magazine fronts around the world. The main difference here is that this is
the top sport in the world, when it comes to charisma and glamour. As with
any individual, stress can play a significant part in a Formula One driver's career. So
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